3905 Grays Gable Road, Laramie, WY Refresher Dancing/Lessons
Thursdays 6:30-8:30 PM

Trustee--Lynn Hill (2025)
(Finance Committee)
Trustee--Laurie Hill (2025)
(Secretary 2020-2025)
Trustee--Dave Guille (2026) (Club Caller)
Trustee--Lewis G. Lyon(2026)(President)(Publicity)(Rentals)
Trustee--Lorene Sims-Brooks (2027)
(Social & Hospitality Committee)
Trustee--Linda Lyon (2027)
(Treasure 2019-2024)
Lewis G. Lyon (2020-2026)
(Building & Grounds)

Built in 1928 by the Union Pacific Railroad as an athletic club for employees and Laramie residents, the large log building on Grays Gable Road (named in honor of the UPRR president, Carl Gray) across from the golf course is now home to the Quadra Dangle Club.
In 1949, the lodge pole and ponderosa pine building was purchased by four Laramie couples who wanted to continue the tradition of having a place where people in the community could gather. The Union Pacific sold the building with the provision the new owners maintain the tradition of offering a “clean recreation by prohibiting drinking and rowdyism” at the facility, a release says.

It wasn’t long after the purchase that the couples, who enjoyed square dancing, opened up to others in the region for that purpose.
Membership grew to more than 200 people who used the facility for regularly scheduled square dances and classes. In 1973, the club house was placed on the National Register of Historic Places as Wyoming Place #116.
Dancers provide more than just financial support. Club members and owners invest much of their own time into building maintenance and other projects.
“This is unique in that the club actually owns the building,” Wright said. “They have to donate time, effort, labor … The benefit is we schedule ourselves when we want and we don’t have to work around somebody else’s schedule. And it does give us more of a sense of being together. People get concerned when things need to be done.”
Given the size and age of the building, maintenance is an ongoing process, Wright said, but everyone who uses the building understands upkeep is a necessary and important task.
For more information on the History of the Quadra Dangle Square Dance Club, contact us.

Upcoming Events

Square Dance Society
When a friend brought up the idea of square dance lessons back in her hometown of Milliken, Colo., Sennin Thompson was less than enthusiastic.
“I said, ‘I don’t think so. It’s square dancing,’” Thompson said.
Fortunately her friend persuaded Thompson to give it a try.
“I went, fell in love with it and have been doing it ever since,” she said.
Her favorite part is twirling until she’s dizzy.
“I’ve always kind of liked to dance, but I suck. I’m not a good dancer at all, so having a structured dance with twirls is great. Getting dizzy is also fun,” she said.

For square dancing enthusiasts like Thompson, there may not be a better place to live than Laramie, which is home to the Quadra Dangle Society, a square dance club that meets at the historic Gray’s Gable Building and offers lessons for beginners and veterans alike.
But it wasn’t that long ago the future of the Quadra Dangle’s home was less than certain. In 2008, a tornado wreaked severe damage upon the building. Dave Van Oss said the storm acted as a call to arms for club members and others around the country who appreciate the historic structure.
Since then, the Quadra Dangle has not only repaired the storm damage, but they’ve gone even further with facility improvements, building and grading a gravel road for visitors to use during the club’s big dances, installing a sidewalk and renovating the women’s restroom.
Those interested in signing up for dance lessons can attend call Lorene Sims at 307 399 5135. People are encouraged to sign up for lessons.

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All images contained on the website were provided by Wix.com or are the property of the Quadra Dangle Square Dance Club.

If you would be interested in reserving the Gray’s Gable building, please provide us with the following information and we will be in touch with you.